"The Sombrero Galaxy"
Constellation- Virgo
Right Ascension 12 : 40.0 (h:m)
Declination -11 : 37 (deg:m)
Distance 50,000,000 light years
Visual Brightness 8.0 (mag)
Apparent Dimension 9x4 (arc min)
Date- April 18, 2004
Telescope/Focal length/Camera- NexStar
11GPS @ f/7.05, SBIG ST-8XE NABG @ -20C autoguided with CCDSoft Ver. 5.0
Integrations- Lum= 7 x 600 seconds, RGB= 3
x 600 seconds each
Processing-, Darks and flats in CCDSoft
Ver. 5.0, LRGB combine in Photoshop 5.0 with levels and curves