
"Orion Nebula"

Constellation- Orion




Right Ascension: 05h 35m 40s

Declination: -05° 26' 42"

Distance: 1600 light years

Visual Brightness: 4.0 mag

Apparent Dimension: 66 arc minutes



Image information-

Date taken-December 14, 2004

Telescope/Focal length/Camera/Temperature- Takahashi FS-78 @ f/8.1, ST-8XE NABG @ -20C, autoguided with CCDSoft Ver. 5.0

Piggybacked on a NexStar11 GPS

Integrations-  LRGB, L = 16 x 60 seconds binned 1x1, RGB = 10 x 60 seconds each binned 1x1

Processing- Flats and darks, aligned, combined and DDP in Images Plus 2.1, and color combined in Astroart 2.0,

 noise reduction in Neat Image